Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Derp Derp Derp

Blog entry because I'm bored~

One reason I hate summer.. I barely leave the house! I live in a cave (aka my room) only to leave it when my belly is grumbly.. Lately I've been on Maplestory all day and checked Gaiaonline after a bajillion years. My stuff inflated to hell $_$. ~ I also did make some money on Maplestory selling PvP gear. But Maplestory isn't really filling me anymore since I go on all day and have enough time to do whatever I want. Thinking about making a new character for a fresh start..

Maplestory is awesome!
Me when I don't have Maplestory.. I see Henesys!

WELP.. Summary:

I NEED A LIFE. Pls B>With Love

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