Thursday, September 13, 2012

My life update

Wanted to go blog about things so I can remember them later and look back at them :) Well I started university! And honestly, I've never felt so alive! My life so far has been a blast, meeting new people, and rebuilding friendships. Everyday it feels like a new adventure. I can't go in much detail about the last 3 weeks cause there's too much details but I'll try and summarize the highlights!

Met this guy
Met chill friends who care about me!
Rekindled friendship with this girl
Surprisingly got hit on by guys o-o
Joined clubs!

I'll try and update frequently like a diary so look forward to it!

Today: I finally got to talk with the guy face to face, wasn't awkward at all :D. He's pretty chill! While walking we ran into one of his friends, and his guy friend gave me a card that said "You're beautiful", which made my day as well. :) My friend's little sister was asking me about boyfriend advice, and she's only 10!! She's got more game than me!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Honey Bee

I am a honey bee,Shut out from the coliney.And they won't let me in,So, I left the hive.They took away all my stripes,And broke off both my wings.
So I'll find another tree,And make the wind my friend.I'll just sing with the birds,They'll tell me the secrets of the world.
But my other honey bee,Is stuck where he doesn't wanna be.But my darling honey bee,I'll come save you even if it means,I'd have to face the queen.
Ba da ba da da dum,Ba ba ba da da da dum.

So, I'll come prepared,My new friends say they will help me,Get my loved one back.They say it isn't right,The bee's have control of your mind,And I choose not to believe them.
So we'll meet in the darkness of the night,And I promise I will be there on time.We'll be guilded by my new friends the butterflys,Bring us back to our own little hive.
Oh, my darling honey bee,No longer stuck where he doesn't wanna be.Oh, my darling honey bee,I have saved you and now that you're with me,We can make our honey.
Ba da da ba dum bum,Ba da ba da da da dum.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012

I stepped out of my cave..

and this is how I felt..

Dream Reading

There are many types of dreams.. lucid dreams where you can do and control whatever you want, nightmares where there's scary shet, and then there are recurring dreams which is basically the subconscious breaking through. My English teacher made us analyze dreams in a sorta Freudian style. So I decided to analyze my dream! It was a rather simple one, one of my adult teeth wiggled loose (impossible!) and when I lifted it up there was a string attached and I just cut the string.. It didn't hurt at all. So here goes my analysis using symbols and stuff!

Teeth: permanence, strongest bone in the body
Losing teeth: growing, maturity
String: attachment
Pain: suffering

So Dr. Jess concludes that this dream means that I lost something of importance but it didn't bother me and instead it made me grow. I asked my friend what it meant and she said it meant a sorta moving on. I asked my other friend and he said it meant that I needed to update my blog! haha xD

Well dreams are awesome, you guys should try analyzing them once in a while, that is if you don't forget them~

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Derp Derp Derp

Blog entry because I'm bored~

One reason I hate summer.. I barely leave the house! I live in a cave (aka my room) only to leave it when my belly is grumbly.. Lately I've been on Maplestory all day and checked Gaiaonline after a bajillion years. My stuff inflated to hell $_$. ~ I also did make some money on Maplestory selling PvP gear. But Maplestory isn't really filling me anymore since I go on all day and have enough time to do whatever I want. Thinking about making a new character for a fresh start..

Maplestory is awesome!
Me when I don't have Maplestory.. I see Henesys!

WELP.. Summary:

I NEED A LIFE. Pls B>With Love

Saturday, June 16, 2012


I need money.. LOL..
I've been spending a lot of money lately.. Money flows through my hand like water D: I'm usually very fickle but since its summer I have more time to spend doing other things. And doing other things usually require money, unless I sit on my butt all day on the computer (my favorite thing to do). What's worse is.. I don't spend money usually but I just lose money, literally lose money.. either forgetting it in my pants or my sister stealing it (happens frequently). I hate asking for money from my parents because I feel like even more of a burden. Although I know I'll regret saying this but I really do wish I had a job. Something to keep me busy and gain money.. yep!

Money makes the world go round! As people say, the best things in life come free.. but so does the worst! That wasn't pessimistic at all hehe!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Personality Readings

Hmm.. I felt like writing up an entry about zodiac signs today! Ever since I've played the Sims I've found zodiac signs fascinating. Basically according to the time period in which a person is born their personality is decided.

Aries - March 21 - April 20

Taurus - April 21 - May 21

Gemini May 22 - June 21
Cancer June 22 - July 22
Leo - July 23 -August 21
Virgo August 22 - September 23
Libra - September 24 - October 23
Scorpio October 24 - November 22
Sagittarius - November 23 - December 22
Capricorn December 23 - January 20
Aquarius - January 21 - February 19
Pisces February 20- March 20

So I was born on October 15th.. that makes me a Libra! Libra's are..

Libra Strength Keywords:

- Diplomatic
- Graceful
- Peaceful
- Idealistic
- Hospitable

Libra Weakness Keywords:

- Superficial
- Vain
- Indecisive
- Unreliable

Although people may find me weird I do believe in signs to some extent D: I agree with my traits a lot :)

And apparently signs can measure compatibility! For a Libra..:
Perfect Partners:Gemini, Aquarius
Nearly Perfect Partners:Leo, Sagittarius
Like Minded Souls:Libra
Opposites You're Attracted To:Taurus, Pisces
Learn From Your Differences:Virgo, Scorpio
Not Your Destiny:Cancer, Capricorn
Astrological Hell:Aries
Check your personality:
Check your compatibility:

Lucky Stars!

"Count your Lucky Stars"

So while I was bored I decided to make a whole bunch of lucky stars! I'm really bad at folding origami, even simple ones.. so folding these took a whole lot of time. The idea of Lucky Stars became popular from a movie where the female lead gives stars to the male lead. I also watched a Japanese movie about a girl who is really ill and her lover gives her a jar of placebo pills in which she would take them once a day, and out came a message which would help her go through with life. I thought it was really cool so I decided to write on the paper before folding the stars. 

A full jar represents whole hearted blessing! My jar is shaped as a star *_* hehe. 

Apparently there's meaning the the amount of stars:
I made 36 of them :)
1 pc: The only one
2 pcs: Happy Couple
3 pcs: - I love you
9 pcs: Love for a long time 
11 pcs: - My Love
36 stars - Loving Each Other *
55 pcs: Love you with no regrets 
66 stars - Never to Part
99 pcs: May the friendship/love lasts forever
101 pcs: You are the one
365/366pcs: Whole year blessing
520 pcs: I love you 
548 pcs: Can't stop loving you
999 pcs: Endless love
1314 pcs: Eternity love

This is the video I watched in order to learn how to fold, you can learn too :D
I bought really cute paper from ebay for cheap!:

I have bad memory.. I can't seem to find the titles of the movies I mentioned D: But once I do I'll update you! If you recognize either movies.. leave a comment and let me know!

It's officially summertime! More time =More Entries!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Computer Class

My computer teacher is such a nerd. He annoys me so much, not because hes a computer nerd but he just does! I don't know how to describe it.. he's really awkward.. and looks like a penguin without a neck. He coughs a lot and I didn't learn anything in his class. @_@ He babbles on about the weirdest things he finds on reddit, his fiance, pupusa, and pugs.. He makes references to the internet world a lot which barely anyone gets. He makes jokes but no one laughs. And he thinks he has the greatest sense of taste in music. But one thing I did learn was the video of the japanese don't laugh show. I find it hilarious, try not to laugh~ Here's a clip!

Graduation Funny

internet troll - Happy Graduation!
Haha! The same company I got my cap from!

Outfit Inspirations of the Day

Memory Box

So I decided to make a memory box.. Just a container that held all the things that I thought were cool moments in my life. The current one I have now is too small and its missing a cap because my sister punched it broken out of anger.. I went to this craft store and bought a bigger box and decided to decorate it. Right now its a work in progress. I couldn't finish it today because I ran out of staples.. but here it is!

Stay tuned for the final result!

Good Day!

I'm glad to say, today was a great day! Things just ended up so well. First of all I'd like to say in just a couple hours I'll be graduating! A chapter of my life is about to close, but a new chapter is just about to begin. I can't say I'm excited, to be honest, I'm quite neutral to all of this. But one thing I'll miss is my friends.. I love them so much! Today one of my friends, noticed I didn't have a yearbook to sign. So being the awesome thing she is.. decided she would make a little ghetto yearbook made out of white paper for me. I played bejeweled while she took 40 minutes writing it.. got to level 9 c:.

And this is how it looks like

Hmm.. I don't know if you could read it all that well but here it is. It's funny how much bad grammar is in there and how it looks like it was written by a 5 year old. But I love it because it shows just what type of person she is. An awesome person!

The compliment game is a game where people just exchange compliments about what they like about each other. It's pretty fun to play~

But.. ya I read this on the way to the bus stop and burst into tears all the way on from the bus ride my house. My sister's so mean telling me I shouldn't cry because I look ugly. @_@ Oh and that's right! The bus driver gave me a free ride! Score! My parents were talking about her today, and my dad accidentally called her lasagna. HAHA. xD


These couple of entries are dedicated to my first rsser.. *drumroll* Jason! One of the only people that read this blog... :D These couple of days have been really hectic and he's helped me through a lot. Along with Ron <3

This entry will be about the problem that surrounded me these past days. Change is hard to accept, for me it's either something to be hated or something to be loved. Things change, people change all the time. But sometimes change progresses too quickly, it's so fast it's hard to keep up. Basically my problem was being left in the past while others around me moved forward. After being away for a month or two before coming home I expected things to be the same as when I left but that wasn't the case. The people close to me ended up leaving me in the dust, finding other people, and I was in utter disbelief. I chased the memory of the past, wanting to return to the good times. So much that it drove my brain crazy. Then it hit me.. I was being selfish thinking others felt the same way I did. They moved on, but I did not.

In short terms: Maintaining relationships with people who don't put in the same effort you do is frustrating.

My resolution 

Honestly, I was in denial for a long time, worrying about things I shouldn't have. The thing is I found out, acceptance is key. My friend Ron told me, to look at the past and what you had, then look at the future and see what you've gained. It may take some time to realize it.. but it's a step to acceptance. I've gained a good experience, new friends (although they can't replace old ones), and an awesome time. Hmm.. another thing! I learned to try to stop looking towards the past, throwing away things that may trigger a longing to go back. Taking time away from older friends helped me gain breathing room and time to think.. Yep that's pretty much it for now I think? I feel great at the moment and hope I can continue to move on.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Outfit Inspirations of the Day


Sometimes I can't help but wonder what will happen to me in 10 years or so and who I will end up with. But in the future, ever since I've watched the Parent Trap years ago.... I've decided this will be my wedding song. Whether my future husband likes it or not. >:D

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Chia Seeds

So apparently, I do learn a lot in English! Well to be exact, I learned about Chia seeds. We have class early in the morning and everything is just.... dead. But for some reason my teacher is always so peppy and energetic. And the secret to her liveliness are Chia seeds, yep,  like the Chia pet seeds. She puts them in her strawberry-banana shake and drinks it in the morning. It basically started out with her reading the book, Born to Run. Its a book about a tribe of people who just run a lot. They can run up to 80 miles, I believe, and are fueled by Chia seeds. They are very nutritious and have a whole lot of other benefits to them as well.

You can read more about Chia seeds in the link below

Oh, and there was another thing I learned and it is about running barefoot. If you ever decide to run, you should try running without shoes. Apparently running barefoot gives you less soreness after a run and can improve balance. Although people would probably look at you funny, its worth a for you runners out there!

To be, or not to be!

I never really understood the meaning of that phrase, "To be, or not to be!" from Shakespeare's "Hamlet". Well, what I learned from English is Hamlet's famous to be monologue is about being fickle. He is deciding whether he wants to kill his uncle or not, but he can't decide because he's thinking too much!

tehee :D

My situation is also like that. Not about figuring out if I should kill a person, but about making decisions. I can't seem to make a decision for the life of me. I think about the pros and cons about something but still can't come up with a decision. It usually ends up with me asking the opinion of a different person or them actually making the decision for me. Sometimes I wish I was a fast decision maker. QQ

Base Makeup

As I've said before, I love makeup! I don't really like putting makeup on my eyes just because I tend to rub my eyes and it gets all messy, especially mascara and eyeliner. But I do think having the base of your makeup nice and neat is really important.

Below is Kanako Kawabata's base makeup tutorial! The words in purple are little notes from me.

1. Apply facial toner (to cleanse skin and shrink pores' appearance).
2. Apply moisturizer after toner (to prevent skin from drying).

3. Apply primer. Use about two pumps and smooth all over your face.
Primer helps to have your makeup stay on longer

4. Apply liquid foundation. I mix a 1:1 ratio of two foundations together.
Foundation adds a flawless touch to your skin

With my finger, I apply the foundation from the center of my face towards the outside. An important tip is to apply it sparingly to your t-zone area. 
Applying little to the t-zone allows for the highlighting to stand out


5. Apply concealer stick. It's okay to use it heavily to get used to it!
Make sure to blend out so it doesn't look so unnatural. By highlighting the t-zone it creates a brighter look and a slimmer/straighter nose.

6. Apply finishing powder. I love BOBBI BROWN 5!!!! LOL
Apply enough so that it's even and pat it on!
Applying powder helps for the makeup to stay on

 7. Apply contour!  Applying a dark shade around the circumference of your face will make it appear smaller~

 Applying a dark shade around the circumference of your face will make it appear smaller~

8. Next is highlight! 

 Using a matte white color, apply to your nose bridge and under your eyes, as well.

9. Nose shadow!
Using M.A.C.'s Cork shade, I apply it only to the tip of my nose because its too round!
Contouring is like a temporary nose job :o

10. Next is blush! I usually use NARS orange blush, but today I'm using Candy Doll's pink blush.
Apply it from the highest point of your cheekbone to under your ears. Be careful not to add too much. Make sure that its even.

11. Lastly, eyebrows! I have rising eyebrows, so I draw them on like a mountain.

These are just finishing touches, but I use setting spraying so that the make up wont get messed up.

 I use IKEMES all over my face and you're done!

Translations were provided by sukebans from livejournal. Thanks to her!

Outfit Inspirations of the Day
